Sailor Saturn should be...
- Final Boss Tier (current RC2 version) (44%, 12 Votes)
- Normal Tier (much weaker) (33%, 9 Votes)
- Boss Tier (slightly weaker) (23%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 27
Start Date: 2014/01/15 @ 12:40
End Date: No Expiry
What do you think about Silver's Rainbow Frenzy (RC version)?
- Fun/Balanced/I like it this way (38%, 10 Votes)
- Too weak/Useless/Waste of powerbar (23%, 6 Votes)
- Broken/Overpowered/Too strong (19%, 5 Votes)
- I don't care, I don't ever use unpredictable attacks like this. (20%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 26
Start Date: 2013/12/03 @ 15:53
End Date: No Expiry
Assuming that Elecbyte does deliver the higher HelperMax, would you want the characters to support zoom, even if it means so much work that there will be no new characters released for a year or more?
- No (24%, 14 Votes)
- Yes (76%, 13 Votes)
Total Voters: 58
Start Date: 2013/11/28 @ 10:55
End Date: No Expiry
Would you upgrade to Mugen 1.1 if Sakuya was 1.1 exclusive?
- No, but I'm fine with the knives not glowing in the 1.0 release. (41%, 12 Votes)
- I'm already using Mugen 1.1! (21%, 6 Votes)
- Yes! (17%, 5 Votes)
- No, but I'm fine with reaching the helper limit due to the glowing effect on knives, resulting in my own or opponent moves malfunctioning in an unpredictable way. (14%, 4 Votes)
- None of the above, please rotate the glow effect manually as a workaround. (7%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 29
Start Date: 2013/08/19 @ 10:33
End Date: No Expiry
Mima's Event Horizon, assuming the damage remains unchanged,
- should stay safe on block. (63%, 15 Votes)
- should be punishable. (37%, 9 Votes)
Total Voters: 24
Start Date: 2013/08/13 @ 08:44
End Date: No Expiry